
I. Directions: Translate the following words or abbreviations into their target language respectively. There are altogether 30 items in this part of the test, 15 in English and 15 in Chinese, with one point for each.(30,)




4. Hubble Space Telescope

5.ultraviolet rays


7.GM organism

8. quark


10. El Nino

II.magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)

12. Nikon

13.oxides of nitrogen


15. geomorphology
















II Directions: Translate the following four source texts into their target language respectively, paying attention to the translation techniques you use. (120’)

Source Text 1 (35′)

In agriculture a relevant aspect is the better adaptation of plants to specific environmental conditions that can be gained using genetic engineering techniques: this includes the better adaptation of crop plants to the changing environmental conditions, including climate change, increased UV radiation, changed rainfall patterns. Plants may be able to be more resistant to drought, flooding, salinity or sensitivity to heavy metals, so that they can be grown in areas of the earth currently beyond the tolerance range of species, or even those areas unable to be used for agriculture at all. Furthermore, other environments could be considered: tolerance to low temperature is also important, and, for example, an antifreeze gene from an arctic fish has been transferred to soybean, with the goal of creating plants tolerant to low temperature. Another aspect is related to chemical problems connected with plants growth: aluminum toxicity is a problem in low pH soils, where it may reduce plant growth. By making plants tolerant, they could grow better in such soils. GeDetic modifications could lead to an increased disease and pest resistance and to the production of new cultivars with improved pest and disease resistance to promote more environmentally acceptable alternatives for food production. The genetic manipulation could lead finally to the utilization of new raw materials: traditional foods often involve consumption of only one or several parts of a plant, for example fruits, leaves, roots, or stems. Plants grown in one culture for roots fnay be eaten for their leaves in another, such as beetroot. Some plants may be eaten by humans in one culture, such as the plant rape in Japan, whereas it is used for rapeseed oil production in Europe.

【Key Words]

Salinity n. 盐度;盐分;盐性 cultivar n.栽培品种

beetroot n.甜菜根 rape n.油菜



Source Text 2 (20′)

Thank you for your purchase of a Philips desk light!

Operation Instructions

This desk light is not waterproof and is only suitable for indoor usage.

No alternations of any kind should be carried out on this desk light.

Do not use any voltage exceeding a 10% margin of the specified standard.

Do not touch the lamp inside or the lamp shade when the power is switched on.

Do not place flammable materia] near the desk light.

In case of operation failure, please switch off the desk light, unplug the power cord and contact your nearest Philips dealer.

This desk light is suitable for Philips PL-F/4P 27W compact fluorescent lamps only. Installation

Take out the desk light body, base and clip.

To use the desk light with the base, insert the stem onto the base plate and tighten the fixing screw.

To use the desk light with the clip, mount the clip onto the desired surface and tighten the fixing screw, then insert the stem onto the clip.

The supplied clip is not suitable for use on tubes.


In order to ensure optimum performance, we recommend you to clean the desk light twice a year. When cleaning the desk light take care to use soft cotton clothes only.

Do not use chemical solvents to dean the desk light, it might damage the painted surfaces.

Caution: Please turn off the power and unplug the desk light before replacing the lamp! 【Key Words】

compact fluorescent lamps n. 电子节能灯


Source Text3

像鸟儿一样地飞翔,摆脱地心引力的束缚,自由自在地在天空翱翔,让风“沙沙”地 掠过我们伸展的翅膀——谁没有做过这样的美梦?飞行是人类最古老的梦想,也许要追溯到穴居人时代。那时候,当他们在地面上追捕 动物弄得筋疲力尽时,仰头看着在头顶上飞翔的鸟儿,无限向往。虽然有三分之二的生物能 飞翔,但人类却被困在地面上。多少个世纪以来,勇敢无畏的开拓者试图模仿鸟儿飞行:用人工制造的翅膀去冲破地心引力的牢笼。然而,像牛顿看到过的苹果落地一样,许多人坠地身亡。 虽然历史上有过一些最有才华的人曾经致力于解 决这个难题,但这个梦想直到1903年12月一个寒冷的早晨才得以实现。当时,美国有对兄弟从北 卡莱罗纳州的沙滩上腾空而起,给人类添上了双翼。随着莱特兄弟奥威尔与威尔伯的开天辟地一系列飞行,人类飞行的时代终于到来了。

【Key Words】

莱特兄弟奥威尔与威尔伯 Orville and Wilbur Wright

Source Text4 

福建福信一珍生物工程有限公司是由福建省洪山企业集团公司与香港福信投资有限公司合资兴办的高科技企业,注册资本二千万人民币。公司生产基地位于国家级科技园区—— 福州科技园区洪山园内。 公司拥有雄厚的技术力量,大、中、专毕业以上的技术、管理人才占员工总数的百分 之三十以上,并与国内多家科研机构建立了紧密型的合作关系。于若木、沈治平、卢圣栋等 中国著名的营养学、生物学、医学专家受聘担任公司的高级顾问。 公司环境优美,设备先进、拥有中国第一条年产三十吨核酸花粉合剂的现代化生产线。 第二、第三条生产线亦将陆续建成。 公司运用高新技术提取植物精华,制成“中华一珍”核酸花粉合剂,解决了人类长期 普遍缺乏核酸的医学、营养学难题,在中国近五千种营养保健品中独树一帜,后来居上。 公司以“唯公有福,唯诚有信”的福信企业精神和“团结、拼搏、务实、创新、奉献” 的洪山集团企业精神为动力,锐意进取,蒸蒸日上。

【Key Words】

福建福信一珍生物工程有限公司 Fujian Good First Yizhen Biological Co. Ltd

香港福信投资有限公 司 Hong Kong Good First Investment Corp. Ltd.

核酸花粉合剂 nucleic acid pollen mixture



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