
I. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into Chinese. There are altogether 15 items in this part of the test, with one point for each. (15’)

1) fax

2) transculturation

3) AIDS 

4) foreignizing translation

5) GPS

6) L/C


8) joint venture

9)pragmatic translation

10) copycat

11) capital punishment

12) non-aligned nation

13) DINK

14) force majeure

15) letters patent

II. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into English. There are altogether 15 items in this part of the test, with one point for each. (15’)

1) 文化建设

2) 动态对等

3) 形合

4) 音人 思口

5) 一国两制

6) 科学发展观

7) 经适房

8) 增值税

9) 欧元区

10) 本地化

11) 和谐社会

12) 小康

13) 公务员

14) 房地产

15) 医患纠纷

III. Directions: Translate the following into Chinese. (60’)

What Fve Learned Tony Blair

TEN years ago, if you had told me I would spend a significant part of my premiership on foreign policy, I would have been surprised, a little shocked and probably, politically, somewhat alarmed* Even today, we all run for office concentrating on domestic issues* “Foreign” policy rarely wins votes, and can easily lose them. Yet nowadays the reality is increasingly that we are obliged as leaders to think, work and act internationally.

Over ten years I have watched this grow. (If you had told me a decade ago that i would be tackling terrorism, I would have readily understood, but thought you meant Irish Republican terrorism*) The line between “foreign” and “domestic” policy is being blurred. Climate change is a big issue in developed nations1 politics today* It can be beaten only by global action, What happens today in Pakistan matters on the streets of Britain, Mass migration can only partially be managed by individual nations’ internal policies. Economies are shaped by forces of globalisation.

On top of this, the world order is changing. The political power of China is emerging as its economic power grows, India will be formidable, Japan is putting its past behind it, Russia is becoming more assertive by the day.

In this age, foreign policy is not an interesting distraction from the hard slog of domestic reform. It is the element that describes a nation’s face to the world at large, forms the perceptions of others to it and, in part,its perception of itsel f.

We all talk of interdependence being the defining characteristic of the modern world But often we fail to see the fundamental implications of such a statement. It means we have a clear self-interest as a nation in what happens the world over. And because mass media and communication convey powerful images in an instant across the globe, it dictates that struggles are fought as much through propaganda, ideas and values as through conventional means, military or diplomatic. (327 words)

IV. Directions: Translate the following into English. (60’)

上世纪40年代以来,全球人口增加了两倍,这样的增长速度给地球居民造成了日益严重 的威胁。要养活更多的人、提供更多的住房和医疗服务,世界资源所要承受的压力比以 往任何时候都要大。以人类目前的生活方式,到2030年,世界人口需要1.5个地球才能 维持,不过富国和穷国人口的生活方式存在着巨人差异。由于在工业化国家人口数量趋 于平稳,在不久的未来,几乎所有的人口增长都将集中在发展中国家。人口老龄化也将 对一些工业国家造成困扰,比如日本,在过去20年内,65岁以上人口的数量儿乎翻了一 番。这会日益加重养老和医疗体系的负担。 (245字)



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