
I. Directions: In this part of the test, there are altogether 30 items (names,abbreviations or fixed expressions), 15 of which are in English and 15 in Chinese. (30 points (one point for each))

1. CAD


3. just-in-time logistics

4. POD

5. WTO

6. Freight Forwarder

7. competent authorities

8. a container terminal

9. A/C compressor assembly

10. state media outlets

11. exhaust heat recovery unit

12. flammable and combustible liquids

13. abstract log

14. Compulsory Salvage of Shipwrecks or
Sunken Objects

15. Information Preservation and Weather Forecasting for Black Holes





20. 铤而走险











II. Directions: In this part of the test, there is an English passage. Please read it carefully and then translate it into Chinese. (60 points)

“In China,we call this a vicious cycle of fangluan shousi (chaos after easing and death after tightening). It occurred more than 10 times in history. Will this time be different? I think the possibility of fangluan shousi happening again is very low,,,Chinese finance minister Lou Ji-wei said.

Lou explained that China has come a long way from its centrally planned economy. Now, more than 98 percent of prices have been liberalized.

He admitted that the government still holds much of the power that is supposed to belong to the market. The central task of the new reforms is to redefine the relationship between government and the market.

To achieve this end, Lou said, one key task is to distribute power among different levels of government. The backdrop to his comments is the fact that many fiscal experts have remarked

that China’s local governments are underfunded and can’t complete the mounting economic and social tasks. In fact, they shoulder 85 percent of the spending responsibility but get less than 50 percent of the revenue. Although much of the gap is addressed by the central government’s transfer payment system, local governments are still pressured to lobby for more funds or to raise debt.

Lou, however, presented an alternative. Rather than distributing a larger piece of the total revenue to local governments, he said it is more important to carve up administrative authority among varying levels of government. This way, the different levels of government receive different shares of money.

III. Directions: In this part of the test, there are two short passages in Chinese. Please read them carefully and then translate them into English. (60 points)


第110届广交会现正在中国广东举行。广交会又叫做中国进出口贸易交易会,于1957 年春设立。每年春秋在广东举办2次。它是中国历史最悠久、层次最高、规模最大、商品 种类最全、到会商客最多、成交效果最好的综合性国际贸易盛会。广交会以出口贸易为主, 也做进口生意,还可以开展多种形式的经济技术合作与交流。来自世界各地的客商云集广 州,互通商情,增进友谊。


坚持依法执政,首先要坚持依宪执政。健全宪法实施和监督制度。完善全国人大及其 常委会宪法监督制度。加快建设守法诚信的法治政府。建立行政机关内部重大决策合法性 审查机制,建立重大决策终身责任追宄制度及责任倒查机制。全面推进政务公开。


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