
一、 词语翻译:英译汉(每题1分,总共15分)

1. European monetary integration

2. fuel economic growth

3.  junk bond  

4. caller ID telephone

5. parkinsonism

6. solar cell plate

7. open-ended fund

8. Gallup Poll

9. conditions-based withdrawal

10. ATM

11. HDTV

12. IDD

13. CPI

14. ASAP

15. APEC

二、 词语翻译:汉译英(每题1分,总共15分)





5、弱势群体 6>积分制 ‘自主招生










I established a new High Level Panel on Global Sustainability, cochaired by the Presidents of Finland and South Africa. I am sure you will be pleased to know that Administrator of the China Meteorological Administration, and a distinguished alumnus of this university, is a member of the Panel I have asked this Panel to offer a vision for sustainable development and prosperity for a planet under increasing pressure. I have asked them to find integrated solutions to the global challenges of poverty, climate change, water, food, and energy security’ These problems are interconnected. The Panel will report back by the end of 2011. Its work will venture into many issues,many sectors,many cross-cutting areas. I have asked the Panel members to think big,to be bold and ambitious not to shy away from controversy. And I have asked them to be strategic and practical. Their recommendations must be politically viable and lead to tangible progress. Their findings will feed into intergovernmental processes, such as the climate change negotiations; They will play a key part in the Rio 2012 Earth Summit, twenty years after world leaders agreed on Agenda 21,our blueprint for sustainable development.

We are seeing some progress on important issues, such as adaptation, technology cooperation and steps to reduce deforestation. I also believe there has been some progress on financing, both on mobilizing 30 billion dollars of fast-start fiinding over the next three years and also on the 100 billion dollars a year envisioned by 2020. Iam,however, concerned about slow progress in other areas. Among them: setting mitigation targets,monitoring and verification,and the future of the Kyoto Protocol. We must not allow momentum to stall We must not jeopardize the gains we have made.

The UNFCCC process must go forward in Cancun in December I am therefore calling on all member states, all governments of the world to work together in a spirit of compromise and common sense. Progress on adaptation, technology cooperation, deforestation and finance can achieve powerful results,results that can offer hope and change the lives of hundreds of millions of people, particularly the world.s poorest and most vulnerable.


亚太新兴市场国家快速发展,直接改变了许多国家和地区的落后面貌,改 善了亿万人民生活,为缩小发展差距、减少贫困人口、实现联合国千年发展罔 标做出重要贡献。亚太新兴市场国家积极参与国际经贸合供应大量能源和 原材料,为其他国家发展提供了充足资源;出口物美价廉的工业制成品,为各 国提供了丰富多样的商品; 进口大量商品和服务,为世界经济增长提供了市场 和动力;吸纳巨额外资,为国际资本流动提供了重要目的地。国际社会应该同 亚太新兴市场国家一道努力,通过广泛的沟通与合作来抓住机遇, 挖掘潜力,促进各国共同发展繁荣。



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