
I. Directions: Translate the following wards, abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively.

1.  Reuters

2. Memorandum of Understanding

3.  force majeure


5. First National City Bank

6. transferable L/C

7. letter of internet

8. F.O.B

9. to restore the reclaimed land to forest

10. bus girl

11. Adam’s apple

12. polite society

13. Electoral College

14. the fifth wheel

15. Dutch treatment

16. 求职信

17. 送货上门

18. 搬迁户

19. “863”计划

20. 温饱问题

21. 股份有限公司

22. 劳务合同

23. 个人用品

24. 按劳分配

25. 君主立宪制

26. 对牛弹琴

27. 对口支援

28. 春运


30. “豆腐渣”工程

II. Directions: Translate the following two source texts into their tsirgtt language respectively. (120‘)

Source text 1

When I made my first trip to China in 1972, Premier Chou En-lai and I shook hands as I came off the airplane. That handshake began a new era in relations between China and the United States. Later, Chou said to me, “Your handshake came over the vastest distance in the world ─ twenty-five years of no communications.”

What brought us together, across that vast sea of no communication? On the American side, some people assumed that my primary interest in a new relationship with China was because of the Soviet threat and because I hoped to get help to bring the war in Vietnam to an end. This is not true. While common perception of a common danger was what made the new relationship possible at that time, it was not the dominant reason for seeking a new relationship. That reason went deeper. And because the reason was more fundamental, the relationship can be more long-lasting.

It is a rule among nations that fear can hold alliances together in the short run, but it takes hope to maintain friendships over the long run. The main reason I sought the new relationship was not what I saw when I looked around me at the world of the 1970s. Rather, it was what I saw when I looked ahead to the world of the 21st century.

The United States is a military superpower and the world’s richest nation. China is the world’s most populous nation with a billion people who are potentially among the ablest and most productive in the world. It has a great tradition. It has huge resources. It has enormous strength of will and of spirit. In the 21st century, I believe that the relationship between China and the United States can be the most important relationship in the world. (本文选自 Remarks by Former President Nixon of the United States at University of International Business and Economics 翻译硕士真题网注)


Source text 2:

妻子是个幼儿教师,多年从事幼教工作。她长得纤细、玲珑、漂亮,没结婚之 前挺可爱的,结了婚就更可爱了,但职业习惯也就彻底地暴露无遗。 最可恨的是跟 你说话的态度和口吻:“出去看着车。”“慢点吃,别噎着。”“穿上点儿衣服, 冷。”就剩下说“乖”了。按说有个“阿姨”照顾生活也挺不错,但男子汉的气 魄却受到了毁灭性的“摧残”,使你总觉着自己是个五岁半的小男孩,而且再也 长不大了。/我是个 1.81 米,体重 80 公斤的山东大汉,您说,她对我这么说话,是 不是挺滑稽、挺可笑的? 有一天,她又对我像对小朋友似地唠唠叨叨,我实在忍无可忍了,就叫了一 声:“住嘴!”然后凑上前去,压低声音,恶狠狠地说:“亲爱的,我真想揍你一顿, 打得你屁股蛋子一半红一半青,你就知道一个男子汉与一个小男孩到底有什么区 别了。”/听了这话,妻的表情复杂透了:惊讶、害怕、羞涩、娇嗔,转而又笑得死 去活来。/娇嗔:假装生气的娇态。她的笑,把我也给逗乐了。男子汉的风采还是 得不到充分的表现。 谁让我爱她呢,所以,做个“乖孩子”没商量。 以后,她再对我这么说话,我干 脆捏着嗓子说:“是,阿姨。”妻子笑过之后,职业习惯竟收敛了许多。



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