
 I. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively. (30’)

1. non-performing loans

2.treasury Bills

3,tax evasion

4. credit rating

5. CPA

6.prosecution witness


8. felony

9.burden of proof

10.de facto

11.dim sum

12. dietotherapy

13. Sakyamuni Buddha


15.filial piety

16.外向型经济 ,

17.指令性计划 丨




21. 民事诉讼法

22. 正当防卫









II. (120 points) Directions: Translate the following two source texts into their target language respectively.

Source Text 1:

(1) A nobler want of man is served by nature, namely, the love of Beauty.

(2) The ancient Greeks called the world (kosmos), beauty. Such is the constitution of all things, or such the plastic, power of the human eye, that the primary forms, as the sky, the mountain, the tree, the animal, give us a delight in and for themselves; a pleasure arising from outline, color, motion, and grouping. This seems partly owing to the eye itself. The eye is the best of artists. By the mutual action of .its structure and of the laws of light, perspective is produced, which integrates every mass of objects, of what character soever, into a well colored and shaded globe, so that where the particular objects are mean and unaffecting, the landscape which they compose, is round and symmetrical. And as the eye is the best composer, so light is the first of painters. There is no object so foul that intense light will not make beautiful. And the stimulus it affords to the sense, and a sort of infinitude which it hath, like space and time, make all’matter gay. Even the corpse has its own beauty. But besides this general grace diffused over nature, almost all the individual forms are agreeable to the eye, as is proved by our endless imitations of some of them, as the acorn, the grape, the pine-cone, the wheat-ear, the egg, the wings and forms of most birds, the lion’s claw, the serpent, the

butterfly, sea-shells,flames, clouds, buds, leaves, and the forms of many trees, as the palm.

(3) For better consideration, we may distribute the aspects of Beauty in a threefold manner.

(4) 1. First, the simple perception of natural forms is a delight. The influence of the forms and actions in nature, is so needful to man, that, in its lowest functions, it seems to lie on the confines of commodity and beauty. To the body and mind which have been cramped by noxious work or company, nature is medicinal and restores their tone. The tradesman, the attorney comes out of the din and craft of the street, and sees the sky and the woods, and is a man again. In their eternal calm, he finds himself. The health of the eye seems to demand a horizon. We are never tired, so long as we can see far enough.(396 words)(选自论美Beauty——爱默生 Ralph Waldo Emerson  mtizt.com注)

Source Text 2:


(2)首先,请允许我代表东华大学,向各位领导、各位嘉宾、老师和同学们参加我 校60周年校庆系列活动之一中外大学校长论坛表示最热烈的欢迎!

(3)我校建校于1951年,曾名华东纺织工学院、中国纺织大学,1999年更名为东华 大学,目前专任教师1200余人,在校学生3万余人。

(4) 60年历经沧桑巨变。我校从建校之初的一所单科性的纺织院校发展成为如今以 工为主,工、理、管、文等学科协调发展、有特色的多科性大学。

(5) 60年感悟岁月睁嵘。东华人秉承“崇德博学、砺志尚实”的校训,凝炼“积极 向上,爱校荣校,崇尚学术,追求卓越,敬业奉献”的精神,与时俱进,攻坚克难,为 国家的经济发展和社会进步做出了重要贡献。

(6)今天,高朋满座、嘉宾云集,东华人有机会与来自世界各地大学的校领导和专 家学者们,共同探讨“提高办学质量与现代大学制度建设”这个主题。各位嘉宾的真知 灼见、各友好院校在发展过程中的经验,将为我校轉往开来、持续发展聚集更多元的智 慧、开拓更高远的未来。

(7)最后,我预祝此次中外大学校长论坛圆满成功。(436 字)



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