
I. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively. There are altogether 30 items in this part of the test, 15 in English and 15 in Chinese,with one point for each. (30’)


2. IMF

3. per capita GDP

4. CPI




8. Dow.

9. The Nile River

10. simultaneous interpreting

11. The Economists

12. ConocoPhillips

13. Statue of Liberty, New York City, USA

14. court of error

15. World Media Summit Presidium Meeting

16. “十二五”规划












28. “菜篮子”市长负责制



II. Directions: Translate the following two source texts into their target language respectively. If the source text is in English, its target language is Chinese. If the source text is in Chinese, its target language is English. (120’)

Source Text 1:

The old Chinese New Year, of the lunar calendar, was the greatest festival in the year for the Chinese people, compared with which every other festival seemed lacking in completeness of the holiday spirit. For five days the entire nation dressed in its best clothes, shut up shops, loafed, gambled,beat gongs, let off firecrackers, paid calls, and attended theatrical performances. It was the great day of good luck, when everybody looked forward to a better and more prosperous new year, when everybody had the pleasure of adding one year to his age and was ready with an auspicious luck-bringing word for his neighbors.

The humblest maid had the right not to be scolded on New Year’s Day, and strangest of all, even the hard-working women of China loafed and cracked melon seeds and refused to wash or cook a regular meal or even handle kitchen knife. The justification for this idleness was that to chop meat on New Year’s Day was to chop off good luck, and to pour water down the sink was to pour away good luck, and to wash anything was to wash away good luck. Red scrolls were pasted on every door containing the words: Luck, Happiness, Peace, Prosperity,Spring. For it was the festival of the return of the spring, of life and growth and prosperity.

And all around, in the home courtyards and in the streets, there was the sound of firecrackers, and the smell of sulfur was in the air. Country women, dressed in their best, would go three or four miles to a neighboring village to watch a theatrical show, and village dandies indulged in what flirtations they dared. It was the day of emancipation for women,emancipation from the drudgery of cooking and washing, and if the men were hungry, they could fry nienkao (hard New Year pudding), or make a bowl of noodles with prepared sauce, or go to the kitchen and steal cold cuts of chicken. ( 328 words )

Source Text 2:

2009年10月6 FI,高锟因一项发现,推动了纤维光学领域的突破性进展,获得了诺贝 尔物理学奖。他说:“我惊讶地说不出话来,没料到能获此殊荣。”

高锟,1933年出生于上海,祖籍江苏金山,现隶属于上海。小时候,他与哥哥在家跟着 私塾先生学习古文经典;同时,在上海的一家国际学校学习英语、法语,该校由包括蔡元培 在内的许多进步教育家创办。1948年,高家迁往香港,1952年他在香港上完中学。高锟本 科就读于伍尔维奇理工学院,攻读电气工程学专业。1965年作为校外研究生,高锟获得伦敦 大学学院电气工程学博士学位,当时他在标准长途通信实验室(STL)工作。就是在这家实验 室,他进行了幵拓性的研究,从而为因特网时代的到來铺平了道路。(287字)


高锟 Charles K. Kao

纤维光学 fiber optics

伍尔维奇理工学院Woolwich Polytechnic

伦敦大学学院 University College London

电气工程学 electrical engineering



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