
I. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively. There are altogether 30 items in this part of the test, 15 in English and 15 in Chinese, with one point for each. (30’)


2. The NASDAQ index

3. force majeure

4. anti-dumping

5. zero emission

6. animal husbandry

7. culinary art

8. instant coffee

9. trade surplus

10. avian flu

11. issue stocks and bonds

12. intellectual property rights

13. hotspot issues

14. G20 Leaders Summit

15. the BRICS Leaders Meeting
















II. Directions: Translate the following two source texts into their target language respectively. If the source text is in English,its target language is Chinese. If the source text is in Chinese,its target language is English. (120’)

Source Text 1:

During the past 30 years, I have observed and studied the oceans closely. And with my own two eyes, I have seen them sicken. Certain reefs that teemed with fish only ten years ago are now almost lifeless. The ocean bottom has been raped by trawlers; priceless wetlands have been destroyed by landfill, and everywhere are sticky globs of oil,plastic refuse and unseen clouds of poisonous effluents. Often, when I describe the symptoms of the ocean’s sickness, I hear remarks like “they are only fish” or “they are only whales” or “they are only birds”. But I assure you that our destinies are linked with theirs in the most profound and fundamental manner. For if the oceans should die-by which I mean that all life in the sea would finally cease- this would signal the end not only for the marine life but for all other animals and plants of this earth, including man.

With life departed, the ocean would become, in effect, one enormous cesspool. Billions of decaying bodies, large and small, would create such an insupportable stench that man would be forced to leave all the coastal regions. But far worse would follow.

The ocean acts as the earth’s buffer. It maintains the fine balance between the many salts and gases which make life possible. But dead seas would have no buffering effect. The carbon dioxide content of atmosphere would start on a steady and remorseless climb, and when it reached a certain level, a ‘greenhouse effect5 would be created. The heat that normally radiates outward from the earth to space would be blocked by the C02 and the sea level temperatures would dramatically increase.

One catastrophic effect of this heat would be melting of the icecaps at both the North and South Poles. As a result, the ocean will rise by 100 feet or more, enough to flood almost all the world’s major cities. These rising waters would drive one-third of the earth’s billions inland, creating famine, fighting, chaos, and disease on a scale almost impossible to imagine.

Meanwhile the surface of the ocean would have scummed over with a thick film of decayed matter, and would no longer be able to give water freely to the skies through evaporation. Rain would become a rarity, creating global drought and even more famine. (402)

Source Text 2:

今年是亚太经合组织成立25周年。25年前,亚太地区的12个国家共同宣布 创立亚太经合组织。在当时,与柏林墙倒塌和冷战结束的重大历史事件相比,亚太经合组织 的诞生并没有引起太多关注。然而,在之后的发展进程中,亚太经合组织不断成长,影响日 益扩大,成为世界上首屈一指的区域对话与合作机制,对亚太乃至全球经济格局都产生了重 大和深远影响。

上世纪八十年代,东亚经济迅速崛起,与北美、西欧形成三足鼎立之势。APEC的成立, 联通了太平洋沿岸国家,对接了新兴与发达经济体,让“亚太”从地理概念逐渐变成了一个 拥有28亿人口、经济总量占据全球半壁江山的经济合作体。APEC成员的人口加一起占全球 40%, GDP占全球57%,贸易额占全球46%。亚太,已经成为全球最具增长活力和发展潜力的 地缘经济板块,也是举世公认的世界经济增长引擎。

当今世界正在经历新一轮动荡不安。环顾全球,热点问题此起彼伏,经济复苏任重道远。 与世界其他地方相比,亚太形势总体是稳定的,经济发展充满活力,可以说是世界稳定之锚 和繁荣之基,而中国在其中发挥着自己应有的重要作用。世界对亚太充满期待,对中国更充 满期待。(457)


柏林墙倒塌 the collapse of the Berlin Wall

地缘经济板块 geo-economie region




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