
Ⅰ. Translate the following terms into Chinese.  ( 15 points, 1 point each )


2.EQ:情商(Emotional Quotient)

3.UN Security Council:联合国安理会

4.CIF:到岸价(Cost Insurance and Freight)

5.soil alkalization:土壤盐碱化

6.sovereign credit rating: 主权信用评级

7.sewage treatment plants:污水处理厂

8.A flash in the pan:昙花一现;昙花一现的人(或物)

9.oil leak:漏油

10.exclusive interview:独家采访;专访

11.disaster relief:赈灾;灾难援助

12.survival of the fittest:适者生存

13.Functionalist Skops Theory:功能翻译理论

14.improvement of the people’s livelihood:改善民生

15.provisional regulation:暂行条例;暂行规定

Ⅱ. Translate the following terms into English.  ( 15 points, 1 point each )

1.限购令:housing restriction policy; Property-purchasing Limitations Order

2.不可再生资源:non-renewable resources

3.计划生育:One-Child Policy

4.孔子学院:Confucius Institute

5.战略伙伴关系:strategic partnership

6.油漆未干:Wet Paint

7.智囊团:think tank

8.转基因食品:genetically modified food (GM food)

9.人民币升值:appreciation of the RMB

10.养老保险: pension insurance

11.汉字:Chinese character

12.敲门砖:stepping stone; First Things First


14.《三国演义》:The Romance of the Three Kingdoms

15.以人为本,全面协调可持续发展: put people’s interests first and strive for comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development

Ⅲ. Translate the following passage into Chinese. ( 60 points )

Test 1

This year marks a special milestone in the U.S.-China relationship—it is the 35th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between our two great nations. Today, instead of living detached from each other as we did 35 years ago, the United States and China embrace the benefits of strengthening ties and acknowledge the growing interdependence of our economic destinies. This anniversary provides an opportunity to take stock of the deepening exchanges between our two peoples, the range of cooperation between our two countries on shared security and economic challenges, and dealing forthrightly with our differences. It is also an opportunity for the United States and China to reaffirm our commitment to working jointly to build a positive, more secure, and prosperous future for all our citizens. As the premier mechanism for dialogue between the United States and China, the S&ED offers us a chance annually to exchange views on a diverse range of bilateral, regional, and global challenges critical to both our countries. Building on the accomplishments of the previous five rounds of the S&ED, this year’s dialogue promises to further advance our cooperative efforts to identify solutions to problems that no country can address on its own. Our efforts to promote economic prosperity, cooperation in Asia, energy security, and security in cyberspace, including at the G-20, APEC, and the Nuclear Security Summit, have a significant and positive impact for our citizens and for the broader international community.(选自 Statement by the President to the U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue 奥巴马总统向美中战略与经济对话代表团发表的声明 mtizt.com注)


Test 2

Energy enables. The historic energy transitions – first from human power to animal power, and then from animal power to mechanical power – were major shifts in the human journey toward greater productivity, prosperity, and comfort. It is unimaginable that today’s economies could function without electricity and other modern energy services. From job creation to economic development, from security concerns to the status of women, energy lies at the heart of all countries’ core interests.Today the world faces two urgent and interconnected challenges related to modern energy services-based on where they are available and where they are not.(潘基文:普及可持续能源 mtizt.com注)


Ⅳ. Translate the following passage into English.  ( 60 points )

湖泊作为地球上重要的淡水资源库,占地表液态淡水资源90%以上,自古以来就是芸芸众生重要的栖息地,与人类发展唇齿相依、休戚与共。当前,受气候环境变化和人类活动影响,湖泊生态系统正面临严峻考验,水质恶化,泥沙淤积,湿地萎缩,调蓄洪水能力降低,水生生物资源衰退,每年有20个天然湖泊“被死亡”。善待湖泊,像珍惜生命一样珍惜湖泊。制定湖泊保护的总体框架,在湖泊的开发利用中,采取有效的举措,规范湖泊的保护与利用,恢复湖泊多样性功能,维护湖泊生命健康,进行生态恢复,促进湖泊生态系统的良性循环。(选自南京宣言:人湖和谐:让“生命之源”永续  mtizt.com注意




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