
I. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively.  (30′)

NGO:非政府组织(Non-Governmental Organization)

GATT:关贸总协定(General Agreement On Tariffs And Trade)

UNESCO:联合国教科文组织(United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization)

CIA:美国中央情报局(Central Intelligence Agency)

NATO:北约(North Atlantic Treaty Organization)


maternal mortality:产妇死亡率

migrant population:流动人口


trade liberalization:贸易自由化

Special Drawing Rights:特别提款权

the Large Hadrons Collider:大型强子对撞机

tertiary industry:第三产业

International Telecommunication Union:国际电信联盟

Universal Declaration of Human Rights:世界人权宣言

主要经济指标:major economic indicator ; leading economic indicator

(中国)央行: People’s Bank of China

优秀文化传承:Passing on fine culture


合作共赢:win-win cooperation

上海市政府:Shanghai municipal government

国家税务总局:State Administration of Taxation

中国铁路总公司:China Railway Corporation

民工:Migrant worker

基础设施建设:infrastructure construction; infrastructure development

房地产泡沫:Real estate bubble

自贸协定谈判:Free Trade Agreement(FTA)

天命:God’s will; the mandate of heaven; destiny; fate

中华孔子学会:Confucius Club

线下零售商:offline retailers


II. Directions: Translate the following two source texts into their target language respectively. If the source text is in English, its target language is Chinese. If the source text is in Chinese, its target language is English 60 points for each text. (120′)

Source Text 1:

New York blends the gift of privacy with the excitement of participation; and better than most dense communities it succeeds in insulating the individual (if he wants it, and almost everybody wants or needs it) against all enormous and violent and wonderful events that are taking place every minute. Since I have been sitting in this miasmic air shaft, a good many rather splashy events have occurred in town. A man shot and killed his wife in a fit of jealousy. It caused no stir outside his block and got only small mention in the papers. I did not attend. Since my arrival, the greatest air show ever staged in all the world took place in town. I didn’t attend and neither did most of the eight million other inhabitants, although they say there was quite a crowd. I didn’t even hear any planes except a couple of westbound commercial airliners that habitually use this air shaft to fly over. The biggest oceangoing ships on the North Atlantic arrived and departed. I didn’t notice them and neither did most other New Yorkers. I am told this is the greatest seaport in the world, with 650 miles of waterfront, and ships calling here from many exotic lands, but the only boat I’ve happened to notice since my arrival was a small sloop tacking out of the East River night before last on the ebb tide when I was walking across the Brooklyn Bridge. I heard the Queen Mary blow one midnight, though, and the sound carried the whole history of departure and longing and loss. 《这儿是纽约》



Source Text 2:


⑵江南,秋当然也是有的,但草木凋得慢,空气来得润,天的颜色显得淡,并且又时常多雨而少风;……秋并不是名花,也并不是美酒,那一种半开、半醉的状态,在领略秋的过程上,是不合适的。 ……

在北平即使不出门去罢,就是在皇城人海之中,租人家一椽破屋来住着,早晨起来,泡一碗浓茶,向院子一坐,你也能看得到很高很高的碧绿的天色,听得到青天下驯鸽的飞声。(选自 郁达夫《故都的秋》 mtizt.com注)





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