
I. Translation the following words and phrases into Chinese (共15分,每小题1.5分)

1.    make great strides (1.5 分)取得巨大的进步;迈步前进

2.    inflows of investment capital (1.5 分 ) 投资资金流入

3.    civil strife (1.5 分)国内冲突;内乱

4.    engine of growth (1.5 分 ) 增长引擎;增长动力

5.    the smoke and fire of war (1.5 分)战争的烽火硝烟;烽烟四起,战火纷飞

6.    consumer electronics (1.5 分)消费性电子产品

7.    transmission capacity (1.5 分)输电能力,输电量;传输容量;传递能力

8.    optical fiber (1.5 分)光纤

9.    barter in goods and services (1.5 分)货物与服务贸易

10.    fixed rate of exchange (1.5 分) fixed rate of exchange

II. Translation the following words and phrases into English (共15分,共10小题)

1.城市群的崛起(1.5分) the rise of city clusters

2. 综合经济实力(1.5 分 ) comprehensive economic strength

3. 学术精英 (1.5 分 ) Academic Elites

4. 枢纽机场 (1.5 分 ) airline hub

5. 中转服务(1.5 分 ) TRANSSHIPMENT; Transferring Service; Relay Service

6. 名列前茅(1.5分)come out in front; at the top of the list

7.—站式服务(1.5分)One-Stop Service

8. 办事机构(1.5分)administrative body; working body

9. 时尚通讯品牌(1.5分)Fashion Communication Brands

10. 自己的地盘自己做主(1.5分)My game; my turf; my rules.

III. Translation the following passages into Chinese (共 60 分,共 2段)(答在试卷上的内容无效):

Passage One

Another who must make distinctions and judgments based on his knowledge of musical style is the composer. It is simple but profoundly true that the music of every composer is the end product of all the music that he knows, distilled and renewed by his own creativity. The more thoroughly he understands the musical styles of the past, the more capable he is of finding uniquely expressive points of departure (innovations, if you will) from those styles into the fresh new world of his own music. The composer, of course, profits doubly from the study of musical style because in dealing with the styles of the past he comes to grips with the techniques of manipulating musical tones. In studying an invention or fugue of Bach he learns contrapuntal techniques and begins to practice, as it were, the techniques of musical composition. (25 分)

Passage Two

In our perspective, the new competition is based on the capacity of a territory to develop competencies and skill, in order to establish a set of specialized functions, which can be combined to form an efficient production cycle, based on complementarities among different firms and administrations. A policy to develop a consistent social and economic environment is therefore requested in order to pursue the target of a stable, sustainable growth.

This perspective is also a powerftil incentive for attracting companies, which are interested in establishing plants in a reliable economic context. For these companies, it is fundamental to have the possibility to reduce cost and risk utilizing the external services and local subcontractors. Investing in those areas where local subcontractors and public and private services are not efficient and reliable means to invest in a vertically-integrated plant, which internalizes all stages of production with the relative services. Practically, this means an overinvestment for the company and a reduction in the impact of foreign investment for the region. (35 分)

IV. Translation the following passages into English (共 60分,每段30分)(答在试卷上的内容无效):

Passage One






Passage Two

我们不赞同“人类中心主义”的价值观,但同时又强调‘以人为本”的发展观。人是推进可持续发展的主体,可以推进可持续发展,又可成为不可持续发展因子的制造者。“以人为本”至少要包括两大方面:一是通过可持续发展给个人,包括当代人、后代人带来持续增长的福利,没有只一点,可持续发展就没有动力:二是提高人的文明速度,这是根本。可持续发展和人类文明互动关系,教育在其中占有基础性的地位。因此,我们包“教育强区”作为增强可持续发展能 力建设的重要内容

我们期待通过发展教育,造就崇尚志士、激励创新、“贤者在位,能者有职” 的人文环境,提高可持续发展能力和文明程度。(30 分)


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