
I. Translation the following words and phrases into Chinese (共15分,每小题1.5分)

1. merchandise retailer (1.5 分)商品零售商

2. trend-right (1.5 分)最新潮?正确趋势?

3. internal audit (1.5 分〉内部审计

4. civil servant (1.5 分)公务员

5. the process of urbanization (1.5 分)城市化进程

6. depleted resources (1.5 分)资源枯竭

7. commercial entities (1.5 分)商业实体

8. knowledge-intensive (1.5 分)知识密集型的

9. labor-intensive (1.5 分)劳动密集型的

10. culturally advanced city (1.5 分)文明城市

II. Translation the following words and phrases into English (共15分,共10小题)

1.经济全球化(1.5分)economic globalization

2. 人力资源 (1.5分)Human Resources

3. 房地产 (1.5分)Real Estate

4. 长官意志(1.5分)will of the leader

5. 以人为本(1.5分)people-oriented; Put People First

6. 软环境 (1.5分)soft environment ; intangible infrastructure

7. 管理创新 (1.5分)management innovation

8. 法人资格(1.5分)legal personality;corporate capacity

9. 执行主席(1.5分)executive (presiding)chairman

10. 信用担保体系 (1.5分)credit guarantee system

III. Translation the following passages into Chinese (共 60 分,共 2段)(答在试卷上的内容无效):

Passage One

Related to this technological advance is the social definition of poverty. The American poor are not poor in Hong Kong or in the sixteenth century; they are poor here and now, in the United States. They are dispossessed in terms of what the rest of the nation enjoys, in terms of what the society could provide if it had the will. They live on the fringe, the margin. They watch the movies and read the magazines of affluent America, and these tell them that they are internal exiles.

To some, this description of the feelings of the poor might seem to be out of place in discussing a definition of poverty. Yet if this book indicates anything about the other America, it is that this sense of exclusion is the source of a pessimism, a defeatism that intensifies the exclusion. To have one bowl of rice in a society where all other people have half a bowl may well be a sign of achievement and intelligence; it may spur a person to act and to fulfill his human potential. To have five bowls of rice in a society where the majority have a decent, balanced diet is a tragedy.( 30 ‘)


Passage Two

The Internet will make the capital market efficient. It will lower transaction costs, lower the cost of customer acquisition, increase competition by making pricing more transparent, and give investors more access to information. This will raake markets more liquid and provide mechanisms to match buyers and sellers more efficiently.

Because of ever increasing new information or salient events, the demand for a cross-section of skills to handle technological investment is a necessary ingredient to make investments successful. Thus, venture capitalists bring more to the investment process than capital. They bring expertise and an ability to lead the investment process. Moreover, since they are the largest investors in most of these ventures, their incentives are aligned with those of the technologist. ( 30 ‘)

IV. Translation the following passages into English (共 60分,每段30分)(答在试卷上的内容无效):

Passage One

而且实际上说来,吹牛对于一个人的确有极大的妙用。人类这个东西,就有这么奇怪,无论什么事,你若老老实实的把实话告诉他,不但不能激起他共鸣的情绪,而且还要轻蔑你冷笑你,假使你见了那摸不清你根底的人,你不管你家里早饭的米是当了被褥换来的,你只要大言不惭的说“某部长是我父亲的好朋友,某政客是我拜把子的叔公,我认得某某巨商,我的太太同某军阀的第五位太太是干姐妹”吹起这一套法螺来,那摸不清你的人,便帖帖服服的向你合十顶礼,说不定碰得巧还恭而且敬的请你大吃一顿燕菜席呢!(30分)(选自庐隐 《吹牛的妙用》 mtizt.com注)


Passage Two


广州饮食业规模在全国名列前茅,拥有各类餐饮网点3.5万多个。漫游广州,无论是声名远播、耳熟能详的老字号酒楼餐馆,还是特色风味的新品名店、林林总总的各式小食店家,以及鲁菜、川菜、粤菜、闽菜、苏菜、浙菜、湘菜、徽菜等中华菜系应有尽有,每一个商业区常见宾客如云。(30 分)(选自中译英练习-广州饮食业 mtizt.com注 略有删减)



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