扬州大学 2015年翻译硕士MTI真题及答案

I. Translate the following items (including terms, abbreviations and proper nouns) into Chinese. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points, 1 point each)

1. DIY:自己动手做(Do It Yourself)

2. BBS:电子布告栏(Bulletin Board System)

3. HKSAR :香港特别行政区(Hong Kong Special Administrative Region)

4. APEC:亚太经贸合作组织(Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation)

5. SOHO:在家上班族(Small Office/Home Office)

6. Antarctica and Arctica:南极和北极大陆

7. CAAC:(General Administration of Civil Aviation of China )

8. TOEFL:托福考试(Test of English as a Foreign Language)

9. IELTS:雅思(The International English Language Testing System)

10. WWW:万维网(World Wide Web)

11.  Http:超文本传输协议(Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)

12. FTP:文件传输协议(File Transfer Protocol)

13. letter of credit:信用证

14. FOB:离岸价(free on board)

15. VIP:大人物,贵宾(Very Important Person)

II. Translate the following items {including terms, abbreviations and proper nouns) into English. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points, 1 point each)

1.廉政建设:construction of a clean government

2.网民:netizen ( net citizen )

3.再就业工程:re-employment project


5.让利空间:leeway of cutting profits

6. “一站式”办公:One-Stop Services

7.街道妇女:housewives of residential areas

8.坐禅:sit in meditation

9.世界知识产权组 织:the world intellectual property organization

10.证券交易所 :stock exchange

11.生态文明:ecological civilization

12.公款吃喝:recreational activities using public funds

13.社会公平正义:social fairness and justice


15.和谐宜居的现代化城市:Haimonious and livable modem city

III. Translate the following two passages into Chinese. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (60 points, 30 points for each passage)

Passage One

Accurate, legible notes are invaluable aids to the student who is enrolled in a lecture course. Notes should be taken during lectures, and when the student is reading the texts prior to each session of the course. The key to good note-taking is to be able to listen a lot and to write only as much as is needed to record the essence of a point or idea presented by the lecturer. Thus, students should endeavor to identify only the main points and ideas being presented and to write them down in outline form. They should also strive to take good notes the first time and not plan to recopy notes—br to do so only when clarity and conciseness demand it. Finally,they should review their notes for about five minutes on the same day that they take them,and go over them again for about half an hour at least once a week, according to a regular schedule or plan. There is no course syllabus to be memorized; instead, the examinations will be based on the material presented in the lectures and textbooks.


Passage Two

In the beginning, Sanford Garter was ashamed of becoming an army cook. This was not from snobbery, at least not from snobbery of the most direct sort. During the two and a half years Carter had been in the army he had come to hate cooks more and more. They existed for him as a symbol of all that was corrupt, overbearing, stupid, and privileged in army life. The image which came to mind was a fat cook with an enormous sandwich in one hand, and a bottle of beer in the other, sweat pouring down a porcine face,foot on a flour barrel, shouting at the K. P. s ‘Hurry up, you men, I ain’t got all day,. More than once in those two and a half years, driven to exasperation, Carter had been on the verge of throwing his food into a cook’s face as he passed on the serving line. His anger often derived from nothing: the set of a pair of fat lips, the casual heavy thump of the serving spoon into his plate, or the resentful conviction that the cook was not serving him enough. Since life in the army was in most aspects a marriage, this rage over apparently harmless details was not a sign of unbalance. Every soldier found some particular habit of the army spouse impossible to support.


IV.    Translate the underlined part of the following passage into English, Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (60 points,15 points each)

我们即将迎来充满希望的2014年。一元复始,万象更新。在这里,我向全国各族人 民,向香港特别行政区同胞和澳门特别行政区同胞,向台湾同胞和海外侨胞,向世界各国 和各地区的朋友们,致以新年的祝福!祝福老人们健康!祝福孩子们快乐!祝福每个家庭 幸福安康!

在这辞旧迎新之际,无数工人、农民、知识分子、干部仍然坚守在工作岗位,不少同 胞依然奔波在世界各地为祖国辛勤工作,许多人民解放军和武警官兵、公安干警正在履行 光荣使命。他们有的远离祖国、远离亲人,有的不能同家人团聚。我代表祖国和人民,向 他们致以诚挚的问候,祝他们平安顺利!


②2013年,对我们国家和人民来说是很不平凡的一年。我们共同战胜了各种困难和挑 战,取得了新的显著成就。成绩来之不易,凝聚了大家的心血和汗水。我向大家表示衷心的感谢!

2013年,我们对全面深化改革作出总体部署,共同描绘了未来发展的宏伟蓝图。2014 年,我们将在改革的道路上迈出新的步伐。


③我们推进改革的根本目的,是要让国家变得更加富强、让社会变得更加公平正义、 让人民生活得更加美好。改革是需要我们共同为之奋斗的伟大事业,需要付出艰辛的努力。 一分耕耘,一分收获。在改革开放的伟大实践中,我们已经创造了无数辉煌。我坚信,中 国人民必将创造出新的辉煌。

宇宙浩瀚,星汉灿烂。70多亿人共同生活在我们这个星球上,应该守望相助、同舟共 济、共同发展。中国人民追寻实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦,也祝愿各国人良能够实现 自己的梦想。我真诚希望,世界各国人民在实现各自梦想的过程中相互理解、相互帮助, 努力把我们赖以生存的地球逢设成为共同的美好家园。


④生活总是充满希望的,成功总是属于积极进取、不懈追求的人们。我们在前进的道路 上,还会遇到各种风险和挑战。让老百姓过上更加幸福的生活,还有大量工作要做。我们 要谦虚谨慎、艰苦奋斗,共同谱写伟大祖国发展的时代新篇章。




扬州大学MTI真题 (含英语翻译基础、翻译硕士英语和汉语写作与百科知识三门):百度云(稍后)

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