一、 词语翻译:英译汉(每题1分,总共15分)
1、 universal suf&age
2、 totalitarianism
3、 equity capital
4、 multi-polarization
5、 for-profit company
6、 initial public offering
7、 Keynesian economics
8、 bilateralism
9、 tabloidization
10、 fudge and mudge
11、 IP
12、 IMF
13、 ETS
15、 UNEP
二、 词语翻译:汉译英(每题1分,总共15分)
三、英汉互译:英译汉(每篇60分,总共60分) |
At every turn, we see cutting edge ideas and technolo^, bom perhaps .in a | college laboratory or a library, through the spark of a professor, the curiosity of a .丨 student, the dynamism of a classroom. The United Nations understands the enormous impact of scholarship, iimovation and ideas. We are trying to harness that great power to build a better world. A world where human ingenuity will make our homes, communities and consumption patterns socially and environmentally sustainable. A world where research receives the fimding and support it needs to defeat disease, deprivation and despair. A world where the “unlearning” of intolerance will bridge barriers that still divide nations and peoples.
Promoting and advancing these goals is the essence of the United Nations Academic Impact We have been laying the groundwork for this initiative for some time now, with great support from the academic community. It will help serve as a clearing house to better match academic iimovation with particular areas of work of
the United Nations — neglected areas of research, countries in need of specific help, research that will help deliver concrete change on the ground, and the best ideas to achieve the Nfillennium Development Goals by 2015.-We can do together in the fiiturc. The UN and the academic community already enjoy a strong partnership. Academic Impact will deepen it further for the twenty-first century. We know about corporate social responsibility in the business world. The Academic Impact aims to generate a global movement of minds to promote a new culture of “intellectual social responsibility.” It is animated by a commitment to certain bedrock principles. Among them: freedom of inquiry, opinion and speech, educational opportunity for all, global citizenship, sustainability and dialogue. The United Nations stands ready to be an active partner with you in ensuring that your knowledge, skills and scholarship advance our universal goals of peace, development and human rights. Thank you for coming together in support of these noble goals.
我国发展中不平衡、不协调、不可持续的问题依然突出。主要是:经济增 长的资源环樟约束强化,投资与消费关系失衡,收入分配差距较大,科技创新 能力不强,产业结构不合理,农业基础仍然薄弱,城乡区域发展不协调,就业 总量压力和结构性矛盾并存,制约科学发展的体_机飼障碍依然较多;服务业增加值和就业比重、研究与.试验发展经.费支出占国内生产总值比重没有完成“十一五”规划目标。一些群众反映的商题没有根本解决,主要是:优质教育、 医疗资源总量不足、分布不均;物价上涨压力加大,部分城市房价涨幅过高; 违法征地拆迁等引发的社会矛盾增多;食品安全问题比较突出;一些领域腐败 现象严重。我们一定要加快解决这些问题,让人民满意!
真题来自互联网 短语翻译答案由Mtizt.com提供