
I. Translation the following words and phrases into Chinese (共15分,每小题1.5分)

1. double digit growth (1.5 分)两位数增长

2. MNC (multinational corporation) (1.5 分)跨国公司

3. corruption-free government (1.5 分)廉洁政府

4. per capita GDP (1.5 分)人均国内生产总值

5. SAR (Special Administration Region) (1.5 分)特别行政区

6. Terracotta Warriors and Horses (1.5 分)兵马俑

7. city council ( 1.5 分)市参议会;市政府

8. spin out new companies (1.5 分)资产分派产生的新公司;分拆(公司)

9. ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) (1.5 分)东南亚国家联盟;东盟

10. IMF (International Monetary Fund) (1.5 分)国际货币基金组织

II. Translation the following words and phrases into English (共15分,共10小题)

1. 旅游业信息化(1.5分) Tourist Informationization

2. 小作坊式(1.5分)workshop mode

3. 高新技术产业(1.5分)high-tech industry; hi-tech industry

4. 专利申请(1.5分)patent application

5. 道法自然(1.5分)Man should observe the law of the nature. /following “the law of nature”

6. 天人合一(1.5分) seek for the unity of the heaven and humanity/ theory that man is an integral part of nature

7. 可持续发展(1.5分)sustainable development

8. 继续教育(1.5分)continuing education

9. 对外通商口岸(1.5分)opening trading ports to the world

10. 自重自尊(1.5分〉self-respect, self-esteem

III. Translation the following passages into Chinese (共 60 分,共 2段)(答在试卷上的内容无效):

Passage One

In the night many peasants had joined the column from the roads of the country and in the column there were carts loaded with household goods; there were mirrors projecting up between mattresses, and chickens and ducks tied to carts. There was a sewing machine on the cart ahead of us in the rain. They had saved the most valuable things. On some carts the women sat huddled from the rain and others walked beside the carts keeping as close to them as they could. There were dogs now in the column, keeping under the wagons as they moved along. The road was muddy, the ditches at the side were high with water and beyond the trees that lined the road the fields looked too wet and too soggy to try to cross. I got down from the car and worked up the road a way, looking for a place where I could see ahead to find a side-road we could take across country. I knew there were many side-roads but did not want one that would lead to nothing. I could not remember them because we had always passed them bowling along in the car on the main road and they all looked much alike. Now I knew we must find one if we hoped to get through.(30分)(选自《永别了,武器》CHAPTER 28 mtizt.om注)


Passage Two

Higher education is highly valued by each of our societies. And institutes of higher education provide valuable opportunities for academics to freely pursue, create and transfer knowledge. Consequently, the university as an institution has enjoyed remarkable stability through history.

Although institutes of higher education enjoy a position of influence n society, the challenges they face are substantial. The most substantial challenge is understanding the change that are taking place within the context of the age of information technology.

Although Western-style capitalism cannot be called the root of all social problems challenging Asian leaders today, how we determine the costs and benefits of rapid changes associated with the information age will affect our lives as educators, and as members of society.

Most of us would agree that the information age ahs brought us closer together in ways that would have been impossible to imagine even a few years ago. However, most of us would also agree that it is not immediately apparent exactly how these current trends toward globalization, driven by information technology, will affect our lives.(30分)

IV. Translation the following passages into English (共 60分,每段30分)(答在试卷上的内容无效):

Passage One


黄昏的落照,正射在塔尖,红霞漾射于湖心,轻舟蓝浆,又有一双双情侣,在我们面前泛过.涵!你放大胆子,悄悄的握住我的手,—-这是我们头一次的接触,可是我心里仿佛被利剑所穿,不知不觉落下泪来,你也似乎有些抖颤,涵!那时节我似乎已料到我们命运的多磨多难!(30分)(选自 雷锋塔下 庐隐 著  mtizt.com注)


Passage Two


尽管国际社会还面临这样那样的问题,将来也还可能出现这样那样意想不到的问题,但和平与发展的时代潮流不可逆转,各国人民追求美好生活的愿望没有改变。各国人民都盼望世界能保持长期的和平与稳定,都向往实现普遍繁荣和可持续发展。保持世界和平,促进共同发展,需要各国政治家顺应人民的意愿拿出推动历史前进的胆识与勇气,需要国际大家庭加强协调与合作。亚太经合组织应一如既往,顺应时代潮流,发挥自身优势,开展广泛合作。(30分)(选自江泽民在APEC第十次领导人非正式会议上的讲话 mtizt.com注)



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